One of the main benefits is the Meeker Raspberry Seeds is its production of ellagitannins, a major antioxidant that has countless benefits to the body.
When consuming ellagitannins, they are changed into ellagic acid in the stomach, which works in many wonderful ways;
- As an antioxidant, it neutralizes cell damaging free radicals
- Protects the p53 gene. Most cancers are caused by damage to this gene.
- Protects DNA from the mutations that cause cancer.
- Inhibits the viral enzyme Integrace.
Most importantly, ellagic acid disarms cancer causing agents before they can harm your DNA. It ferociously attacks cancer cells anywhere in your body, thus helping your immune system destroy these cancerous cells and shutting off their ability to multiply, divide, and reproduce. The ellagitaninins cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, of the cancer cells.
Ellagitannins can act as antibacterial agents and antiviral agents as well. "Thing of the genetic material of bacteria as a rubber band that is all twisted up. In order to replicate, the DNA must untwist itself through a process requiring the enzyme gyrase. Ellagitannins inhibit gyrase activity so replication of the bacterial DNA is restricted. Importantly, bacteria cannot easily become resistant to this type of antibacterial action."
Dr. Susan Thorpe-Vargas Ph.D. has discovered that ellagitannins can assist with symptoms of diabetes. "New data shows that ellagic acid is very effective in preventing damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart, and the small capillaries of the feet and hands that occur with high glucose levels. It does this by inhibiting an enzyme called aldose reductase. This enzyme is responsible for the production of protein-sugar products called AGE (Advanced Glycation End-Products). These end products cause the damage of small blood vessels that leads to the blindness, kidney damage, stroke, and heart attacks and loss of limbs associated with both forms of diabetes. In addition, ellagic acid as well as several other constituents in raspberry seed powder enhance insulin action, decrease insulin resistance, lower blood sugar, have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, decrease oxidative stress and lower blood pressure."
While modern medicine and insurance continues to take a reactionary approach, it is up to each individual to take preventative action. A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables is a fantastic place to start. In addition to this, it is sometimes necessary to take supplements in order to reach your body's preferred nutrition levels.
We are proud to bring you our line of cosmacueticals - a line of cosmetics made with the Meeker Variety Raspberry Seed Extract. These cosmetic products are designed to be some of the most effective skin restoration and preservation products on the market today.
**All quotes taken from "Berry Good Health" by Susan Thorpe-Vargas Ph.D.