
I used the Day Cream without Sunblock, as well as the Night Cream and took the Raspex capsules as well. The night cream I absolutely loved, it was so light, non-greasy and really nutritive to my skin.  I could've used it both day and night. I'm very choosy about any product I use, ingredient wise. All products are very well formulated with excellent natural ingredients. I was very impressed and delighted with the results from your products. Within 3 weeks of usage my skin, both face and neck, showed a visible improvement, were glowing and less wrinkled. I felt and looked 10 years younger and people were commenting.

- H.N.


I used the Raspex Day Cream with Sunblock on my daughter's sunburn and it healed very quickly. There was a dramatic difference overnight that I've never seen before to that degree when I've used other products. Overall healing time was dramatically shortened and there was no blistering and peeling.
I love your products and cannot speak highly enough of them and your business ethics. Thanks again, I wish you all the best with your business."

- B.H.


hi guys, 
I have been using your Raspex Cream for several years now as a sunscreen and it works better than regular sunscreens. I was the only person in our snow skiing group who did not get sunburned despite everyone else wearing sunscreen.

I am so glad I came across your products in my searches.
I am telling as many people here in Australia about your products as I can so hopefully they can have a better quality of life. 

- L.B., Australia


I started using Raspex Skin Cream with raspberry extract and wasn't sure what I thought at first.  Within two weeks I noticed that my skin looked more hydrated and was amazed that the brown spots on my face were fading.  The largest one was on my left side of my face near my ear and was a spot that was the size of a quarter.  I’ve used the Raspex Skin Cream now for 6 weeks and you can hardly see the discoloration.  Now I am using it on my hands and neck.  Within the same time frame – two weeks – I see that the brown shadow on my neck and the freckles on my hands are greatly diminished.

- Judy O


I just ordered some of your product (Raspex Seed Powder and Raspex Anti-Aging Night Cream) and I wanted you to know WHY I placed an order. My wife and I recently had dinner with my sister whom we had not seen for quite some time. We both commented to her about how good her complexion was (she truly looks 10 years younger than she did a year ago) and she attributed it to your Night Cream. She went on to tell us that because of your Seed Capsules, the number of her pre-cancerous skin lesions her dermatologist needed to remove had fallen from 40-50 per year to only about 5 last year. A 90% reduction! This reduction was over her whole body, not just her face, so she felt the Seed Capsules were the contributing factor. Needless to say, my wife and I are very anxious to start using your products.

- B.C.


I just want to say “thank you” to the developer of your Raspberry Skin Cream. I’ve tried everything to improve my rosacea – every cream, gel and pill that the doctors prescribed – which all just aggravated it.  I spent thousands of dollars trying every natural remedy and product for sensitive skin I could find.  They all ended up in the garbage.
Then I bought the Skin Cream to try as a sun screen.  To my surprise it didn’t give me a rash!  Instead my rosacea got better!!  The redness, the dry flakes, the ‘rashiness” on my cheeks all went away.  Wow!  Please, don’t ever stop making the product.

- Nancy Polk


I confess initially the Raspex Anti-Aging Night Cream made me “nervous”.  I asked myself the first couple of nights “Is it working” – because it is so very light and American women have been indoctrinated to believe that heavy, thick, greasy creams are best.  I’ve studied this enough that I know its really NOT true – but still I was concerned because I’ve paid a lot for high-powered products and since I’m getting older every day, I couldn’t afford to “waste” any time!!!  But so far I have been impressed with the results that I can now see and how fast this cream absorbs!!
    * Raspex Vitamin C Serum
Everyone has a serum – I use Bobbie Browns but frankly the Raspex Vitamin C Serum seems BETTER because it is very light, goes further and adsorbs more quickly.  It absorbs instantly and is a very good makeup base.  I’m not using a moisturizer between it and the makeup – just the serum with the makeup going on very smoothly
    The quality of the serum and the anti aging night cream are up there with the “big league” products and I know because I use them all.

- Bev, NC


I just ordered my second jar of Raspex Skin Cream – it is absolutely the best!  I also ordered the Raspberry Seed Powder and just stir it into my plain yogurt with a little stevia 

- Rachel, VA


The Raspex Raspberry Skin Cream has worked wonders for me and my dogs in just a few weeks.  It truly has the best healing properties of any product I’ve ever used.  Thank you so much.      

- Meredith 


Hello! I have recently ordered my 2nd lot of Raspex Products.  I must say that after 2 nights of usage (of the Raspex Skin Cream) on a 48 hour old severe sunburn I am completely sunburn free!  I can’t believe it. Thank you very much.  

- Dr. Louise